Powering the world’s robots
Open platforms for robotics
We create open software and hardware platforms for robotics. Working with our global community, we offer three open platforms: ROS, Gazebo and Open-RMF. Program your robots with ROS, simulate them with Gazebo, interoperate your systems using Open-RMF. These platforms are widely used around the world, from production deployments to classroom projects. To learn more about how the community is using these platforms to create valuable solutions, see our community showcase.
Gazebo accurately and efficiently simulates robots for your application, whether it's warehouse logistics, autonomous driving, or space exploration. You get a robust physics engine, high-quality graphics, and programmatic interfaces, including integration with ROS. And it's all open source.
The Open Robotics Middleware Framework (Open-RMF) is a free, open source, modular software system that enables robotic system interoperability. Open-RMF coordinates multiple fleets of indoor and outdoor robots with typical robotic use cases and integrates them with elevators/lifts, doors and other infrastructure.