ROSCon 2023 Recap
Our ROSCon 2023 group photo with all 700+ attendees.
ROSCon 2023, our twelfth annual ROS developers' conference, was held in New Orleans, Louisiana on October 18-20, 2023. The conference was a success, bringing together over 700 ROS developers from 42 countries to learn from each other and share the latest advances in ROS and robotics technology. We were also thrilled to see the Dronecode Foundation’s flagship PX4 Developers’ Summit hosted immediately after ROSCon in the same venue, allowing a number of attendees to attend both events and learn from others in a closely-related field (not to mention see a fantastic drone show put on by the Dronecode Foundation and UVify!). If you we’re able to attend ROSCon 2023, recordings of all of the talks are available here.
ROSCon 2023 featured a diverse range of keynote talks, panel discussions, and technical sessions, covering topics such as industrial robotics, mobile robotics, simulation, space robotics, and much more.
Some of the highlights of the conference included:
A talk from Chris Lalancette on the state of ROS 2, including new features found in Iron Irwini and information about plans for a Zenoh-based RMW to become available in Jazzy Jalisco in 2024.
Two lightning talk sessions, with over forty speakers sharing their latest ROS projects and ideas (video of day one, and day two).
Panel discussions on developing on ROS and getting involved with ROS as an organization
Two days with two concurrent tracks spread across fourteen sessions, with fifty-four talks in total.
In addition to the keynote talks, panel discussions, and technical sessions, ROSCon 2023 also featured a number of other events, including:
Four sold-out workshops on a variety of open-source robotics topics, such as ROS 2 for real-time applications, using Nav2 to guide a mobile robot’s motion, manipulator reachability analysis, and ROS 2 control
Fifteen new diversity scholars from eleven different countries along with visiting students from STEM NOLA
An exhibitor hall with over three dozen exhibitors showcasing their latest products and services
Sixteen community-organized Birds of a Feather (BoF) sessions where attendees gathered to discuss specific topics of interest
We want to thank the forty-four sponsors that made ROSCon 2023 possible, including the 33 sponsors who were able to attend in person, and our platinum sponsor AMD. We also want to thank the many volunteers, speakers, and workshop organizers for taking the time to make ROSCon a successful community event. ROSCon 2023 couldn’t happen without our diverse community of open source supporters.
Overall, ROSCon 2023 was a successful event that demonstrated the continued growth and momentum of the ROS community. If you happened to miss ROSCon 2023, recordings of all of the talks are now available on the ROSCon 2023 website. If you would like the in-person ROSCon experience, please consider attending ROSCon Germany, ROSCon India, or ROSCon 2024 in Odense, Denmark. We look forward to seeing everyone again next year!
A short segment from the drone light show organized as part of the PX4 Developer Summit.