Open Robotics welcomes our GSoC 2020 students!
We're very happy to welcome Amr Elsersy, Jiarong Qian, Mihir Kulkarni, Martiño Crespo, Mohamed Ahmed Hassan, Youssef Khaky and Sarathkrishnan Ramesh, our 2020 students participating in the Google Summer of Code!
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Amr is a Computer Engineering student at Ain Shams University in Egypt who is passionate about robotics. He is a member of project ROV @ ASU Racing Team, a team which works on underwater robotics. During GSoC 2020 at Open Robotics, Amr will be working on developing a UI plotting tool for Ignition Simulation’s GUI.
Jiarong is a senior Electrical Engineering student at the University of Washington. He began learning ROS half a year ago while implementing autonomous navigation on a robot. During the GSoC 2020, Jiarong will be implementing new use cases and collaboration features for the Robotics Middleware Framework (RMF) project.
Mihir is a final year undergraduate student pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) Pilani, Goa Campus, India. He completed his bachelor's thesis at the Autonomous Robots Lab, University of Nevada, Reno, and has worked as the coordinator of two student-run technical clubs in BITS Goa. He is also currently participating in the DARPA Subterranean Challenge as a part of Team CERBERUS, focusing on autonomous search and rescue missions. At Open Robotics, Mihir will be working towards creating sensor information visualizations as a part of the Ignition Rendering library. The project involves porting existing Gazebo visualizations to Ignition and adding new sensor visualizations to the rendering library.
Martiño is currently pursuing a master's degree in Systems and Control Engineering at UNED in Spain. He received his bachelor's degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation at the University of Vigo. Since 2018, he has been working with industrial robots and processes for both industrial and R&D purposes. In the future, he'd like to work with robots that are capable of perceiving their environment and acting on their own. Martiño strongly believes in the Open Source philosophy, and is enthusiastic about seeing it in action at Open Robotics.
Martiño will be working with our own Mabel Zhang to develop a tactile sensor plugin for Ignition Gazebo. The project involves gathering data from the physics engine (mainly forces, torques and pressures) and interpolating that information along the sensor's surface. The final goal is providing Ignition with a functional sensor plugin that can be easily developed and refined by future contributors.
Mohamed is a graduate student studying Robotics at Innopolis University, with a bachelor’s degree in Mechatronics Engineering. He was a member of the Pixels Egypt organization where he instructed workshops on ROS, Robotics, and various other engineering topics. Mohamed has participated in many robotics competitions like Robo Fight and IRC (International Robotics Competition). He will be working on the Demos for Ignition Knowledge Base project. The aim of the project is to develop interactive demos and tutorials for Ignition to ease the Ignition learning curve and lower the barrier of entry for new users.
Youssef recently completed his degree in electrical engineering from McMaster University in Canada. He loves robotics; his journey started with Udacity’s Robotics Nanodegree. He interned at Flyability where he worked with a great team on building an autonomous inspection drone. He then interned as a robotics software developer at AIS where he was involved in programming a UGV that automates operations in greenhouse nurseries. This summer he will be working on simulating UUVs (Unmanned Underwater Vehicles) and adding more features to the pre-existing UUV simulator.
Sarathkrishnan is a third-year B.Tech student pursuing Information Technology from Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, India. His passions lie in autonomous robotics, computer graphics and software development. Sarathkrishnan is part of an undergraduate research team, Project MANAS, which focuses on building AI robots. The team placed first in the international 27th Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition 2019, and is currently working on major projects such as self-driving cars and autonomous drones. During GSoC 2020, he'll be creating a prototype of RViz based on the Ignition Rendering library.