OSRF Donates TurtleBots to Home Brew Robotics Club
The San Francisco Bay Area’s Homebrew Robotics Club is one of a number Bay Area robotics organizations.
With the recent release of the TurtleBot4 our office had started to become just a bit too cluttered. Like most robotics labs, ours was awash in spare parts, tools, and robot prototypes. We decided to do some spring cleaning and donate our unused equipment to a number of local charitable organizations. We bundled up all of our legacy TurtleBots, unused electronics, tools, and spare parts and donated them to the HomeBrew Robotics Club (HBRC) and Circuit Launch. The HBRC has been involved with TurtleBot since its early days. When the TurtleBot was first developed at Willow Garage over a decade ago, HBRC members provided early testing and feedback . It is only fitting that these TurtleBots live on with club, and provide their members with many hours of education and entertainment. Our colleagues at Circuit Launch plan to put their TurtleBots to good use as part of their educational robotics program. We’re proud to be part of a vibrant Bay Area robotics community and look forward to future events supported by these organizations.
(Interested in buying your own TurtleBot? Purchase one here. A portion of every TurtleBot sold helps to support the Open Source Robotics Foundation.)
TurtleBots waiting for their new homes at HomeBrew Robotics Club