Open-RMF gets Jazzy

We're happy to announce the availability of the latest binary and source packages for Open-RMF on ROS 2 Jazzy Jalisco! This is a feature packed release along with several critical bug fixes and improvements. The most notable features, available exclusively on the Jazzy release, are:

  • Commissioning: The ability to selectively commission/decommission robots from particular fleets and manage how tasks are assigned to the robot during these phases.

  • Runtime charging swaps: Allow robots to swap charging stations at runtime. If you have more robots than chargers then you can have your robots share chargers by rotating which charger is assigned to which robot. If you have more chargers than robots then you can assign robots to use the nearest available charger after their tasks are finished.

  • Faster simulations: Simulations are exclusively supported on Gazebo Harmonic and make use of several Entity Component System (ECS) functionalities from Harmonic to significantly improve simulation performance. This new architecture results in an increase in the simulation’s Real Time Factor (RTF) of up to 70% for complex scenarios, which enables simulating larger environments more smoothly.

  • Small space traffic improvements: Various improvements, including the use of mutex groups, that enable multiple robots to share small spaces with fewer deadlocks.

  • Open-RMF web version 0.1.0: First source release of the web frontend and backend, featuring a more polished and optimized UI/UX, access to the above mentioned new features and increased extensibility. Find out more about all the changes here.

Find the full list of changelogs here.

We’re also happy to learn about more and more companies and projects using Open-RMF, or components of it, for their needs! If you’re one of those users (and are allowed to say so), give us a shout! 

In case you missed the announcement, the Open-RMF Project Management Committee (PMC) open sessions are launching! The announcement is here so check it out if you’re interested to hear about the development and direction of the project.

Relatedly, there is also a monthly OSRF Special Interest Group for Interoperability where participants discuss and promote the objective of making robotics systems and relevant infrastructure (both software and hardware) interoperable. Check it out!

This release of Open-RMF is primarily supported on Ubuntu 24.04 with amd64 and arm64 architectures. Some packages are also supported on rhel-9 (look for "developed" status here).


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